Last updated on 16 March, 2023, 11:23pm by
Today I was working a webapp and needed to randomly order an array of objects so that a food menu would show different options each time a user loaded it. You might think there's a standard built in Javascript Shuffle() method to do this but at the time of writing there isn't.
The maths behind the solution is simple but conceptually fairly complex, luckily I stumbled cross the Fisher-Yates Algorithm which helps us handle this quite succinctly.
Checkout the code below which wraps the algorithm in a function that you can call and pass an array to.
Feel free to copy and paste this into a script tag, within a new HTML page - to test locally on your machine and observe how the browser console logs change when you reload the page.
var points = [{'40' : 3}, {100: 34}, {2:1}, {'5' : 'five'}, {25: 'twenty-five'}, {10: 10}]; function randomiseArray (list) { for (let i = list.length -1; i > 0; i--) { let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i+1)); let k = list[i]; list[i] = list[j]; list[j] = k; } console.log(list); } // past this function my array randomiseArray(points)
If you're pushed for time, you're welcome in advance.
Otherwise, you can check out a more detailed explanation for how this works at